Live differently by taking the road less traveled, the path that leads to Jesus

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Ring

When I graduated from high school, I decided to buy myself a grad present that would not only be attractive, but also help me in my future as an independent man trying to live a Godly life. I bought myself a pretty cheap silver ring from James Avery (the exact one depicted above) with a cross in the middle. I chose one that was not flashy or too obnoxious or attention grabbing. I just wanted to have something that I wore everyday that told those who saw me and reminded myself daily that I am a Christian and that I love Jesus for fulfilling God's wrath against me by dying on the cross for my infinite sins.

After having this ring for 6 months, I have greatly appreciated having it. When people see it on my finger, it is always a conversation starter. A few people have thought it was a promise ring, but I am not pre-engaged... When I look down at my ring, it always reminds me of my faith and often convicts me of my sins. Earlier this school year, I went through a period of time where I stopped going to Church, stopped being active in Cru, and didn't really think of God anymore. Strangely, my ring turned really black and gross, and even started to fall off of my finger, so I took it off and stopped wearing it for a little while. Then I ended up going to Cru's Fall Retreat and my faith had a resurgence and I became very convicted and decided to turn my life back around. When I got home, I decided to put the ring back on and just live with the un-attractive look of it and fight to keep it on my finger, even though it seemed like it was trying to fall off. After a while, I distanced myself from my sinful actions, I became closer to believers, gained an amazing community, started being extremely active in Cru, and started loving Jesus again. After I had been in this life-revolution for a few weeks, I looked down at my ring and noticed that it shone as bright as it did the day I got it; all of the black-ness had disappeared, it did not fall off of my finger anymore (even though I have continued to lose weight). All that is left are a few scratches. 

It is crazy to think that a ring can symbolize my path with Christ, but man mine sure does. Earlier, I had covered God up with the evil and darkness of my sin and new life choices, I was trying to push God away, and he was having trouble staying with me because I wouldn't let Him, and eventually I pushed him away so much that I had started living life away from Him, without thinking about Him at all. 
At Cru's Fall Retreat, God called me back through the speaker, the great community, and feeling loved in a way I have never felt before in my life, especially from people I just met. I began fighting through my evil and sin in my life from abstaining from drunkenness, distancing myself from bad friends and places, I began surrounding myself with Godly people and having a blast in a Godly way. Not only did my ring start to shine, but my face and mood started to shine. Immediately after Fall Retreat was extremely hard for me because I knew I wanted to live for Jesus, but I had to fight my addictions. Now living for Jesus is starting to fit with me and settle into normalcy again. Just as my ring has started to fit again.

God works in miraculous ways, and I love Him for that.

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